
Alhamdulillah, done one of the best moments in my life :)

Its a Europe trip guys ngeheeee...,, after several month planning with my friends, yaaa finally we did it !:) Alhough many bad things happened, yaa I'm sure He want us to learn something from our journey. Thats why we should know that although we plan, Allah also plans too, but surely Allah is the Best Planner . So, jangan sedih2 sbb yang pastinye semua yg jadi tu ade hikmah di sebaliknye ;)

Bad things happened, but there are so many good things happened too :)
There are many beautiful place where you will be amaze with it when you travel to Europes, thats for sure hehe :)

And ..,,

We got the chances to meet different kind of peoples around the world, and of course ade yang baik and ade yang jahat la kan hehe,
Tak semua orang ade experience nak rasa bende ni so thanks Allah for giving me this chance :)
Maybe, pengalaman jumpa orang pelbagai ragam ni merupakan pengalaman yang paling mahal kot sepanjang travel kali ni :)
 Alhamdulillah :)

Last but not least, just wanna share some photos ,,
Platform 9 1/4 Harry Potter

Emirates Stadium

London Big Ben

Eiffel Tower Paris

Pisa, Italy

Kak Hanis, Madi and me :)

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