Assalamualaikum and hye everyone!:)

I'm back guys, yeayyy finally ! hehe.,

Firstly, i'm so sorry for taking too much time to update the new post , mybe i'm too lazy and have no idea what to write, i guess. So, for this post, i just wanna share a little bit of my new journey as a master student in Malaysia, hehe, might be a little bit boring hehe..

so yeah bismillah, i started my study in Master of Philosophy in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, KL for already about 3 month which is from last September, and alhamdulillah everything going well during the registration even though i felt like a little bit sad because i went to UTM alone without my parents and also i didnt know anyone there during the registration, hehe i guess i'm too "manja", thats why even for the registration, i actually need someone to accompany me :p

Actually, even for registration, i already felt the different between studying in Japan and Malaysia, one of the reason of course everyone talked in Malay and English hehehe yeayyyy finally i manage to focus and understand about what they are saying about what master student have to do, and all of that hehe..

and after that, i went to my laboratory to meet all my labmates, senpais and sensei,, alhamdulillah everyone was very kind, so friendly, and also so funny hehe, and yeah alhamdulillah i finally knew that there were also another 2 students which registered into the same ikohza (laboratory) with me, so yess im not alone ! :p

But as everyone said , being a master student is totally different with degree, im totally agree with that, huhu,, one of the reason is that, you cannot depend on your supervisor, or your senior, research assistant and so on to tell you everything , explain everything about your research. Its your job to find everything about your research, do some research in internet, reading journal and so on,.. someone also said to me that being a research student is a bit tough because there will be a time that you have a problem with the research, but you cant 100% share it with other person like your parents and your bestfriend because they dont understand about the things that you are doing,,  yes its a little bit stress but insyaAllah if we put some effort i guess, we can end this journey beautifully aminn :)

I got this one quote from my sensei, he said to me that, " A difficult path often lead to a beautiful sucess", im sure that you guys also know this quote right ? :) I like this quote a lot and everytime, im having a hard time , i always remember this quote, and think that no matter that the journey that we chose is hard, is tough, please believe that there still a HOPE, dont ever thinking that we wanna to give up before we put our effort to handle all those things :)

thats all :)

please cheer up !

with love,

syeraa :p

Experiencing new things :')

Assalamualaikum semua :p

Hehe,, since lately rasa mcm rajin sikit , so hehe today i just wanna share some new things that i have been doing after going back to Malaysia... actually dah sebulan lebih dahh balik malaysia hehe and next week will be my fifth week as a teacher at one of the school in Terengganu :)

Actually dulu masa sebelum balik Malaysia, takde plan pun nak buat ape until my registration of Master at one of the university in Malaysia this September ;') but alhamdulillah, sebelum sempat nak mereput, i got a message from my junior that also study in the same university with me at Japan, he ask me whether i can be a 'guru sementara' at his former school.. so why not i take this chance, right? hehe since dulu pernah laa berangan nak jd cikgu nak ngajar bdk2 sbb pernah lah terfikir jadi cikgu ni nampak sweet and ayu and nampak sesuai sangat ngn orang pompuan, tapi last2 pergi jepun belajar engineering main mesin lah, buat experiment ngn bahan2 chemical sume, so habis hilang ayu :D

Okay, so bermula lah perjalanan guru sementara seorang syeraa;')

So, first day pergilaa lapor diri kat sekolah tu, actually masa sebelum pergi lapor diri tu, ada diberitahu yg aku kene mngajar nihongo (japanese language),, so dalam hati ni, rasa mcm lega sikit hehe tak tahu knape sbb pernah laa tgk syllabus japanese language for budak sekolah and basically diorang kene blajar bende2 basic je like huruf hiragana, katakana, and some daily communication skills. (haha acah je kan aku ni padahal dulu masa preparation time sebelum fly nihon, mcm jahanam gakk nihonggo aku :p) haha tapi kalau nak ajar bdak2 sebut ohayou, konnichiwa tu lepas laa :') so back to cerita first day hari lapor diri tu, so the assistant principal gave some briefing to me, and i was like seriously? haha actually that time aku baru tahu yg aku kne ngajar science for f2, slain nihonggo :)
so time tuu, rasa nak nngis jugakk sbb ape tau, aku duk fikir camne aku nak ngajar science, nak handle bdk2 buat experiment and so on :(

and actually i have a sister at that school, so nasib baikk sangat2 dia ade, so aku jd mcm polis laa tanya mcm2 kat dia pasal syllabus, cg dia ajar mcm mane dlm kelas, bla bla bla ~~

so alhamdulillah, day by day, dah boleh biasakan diri kat sekolah tu, cikgu2 , students sume baik2, hehe,, so i start to love this job hehe :) cuma kalau after weekend tuu, mcm biasalaa still rasa berat nak g kerja keesokan harinya tuu :') hehehe.. camtu kot ekk, perasaan orang yang keje,,, selalu rasa nak cuti hehe..

oh lupa nak bagitahu, aku jugak kene jadi guru kelas tingkatan 3 ,, haha time tahu ni pun aku rasa mcm nak nangis jugakk :) sorry laa, aku mmg jnis cepat nak nngis sikit haha sume bnde nak nangis :P sbb ape tau nak nngis, bila kene jd guru kelas, and form3 pulak tuu, mmg banyak bende nak kene buat cth key in markah exam, check bdk2 ni byar yuran ke x, kene key in kehadiran haha padan muka syeraa :D tapi takpelaa, its all about experience , right? bukan senang nak dpt pengalaman cmni kann hehe,, myb kalau aku xjadi guru sementara sekarang, sampai bila2 pun aku xtahu skop kerja seorang guru tu camne :) hehe tapi kann, mmg bnyak sangat bende best bila jadi cikgu, hehe cth nye, ada hari kokurikulum ke, hari sukan ke, hehe meriah sangat hehe sampai rasa rindu nak balik zaman budak2 balik hehe..

hehe gambar ni time Hari Kokurikulum sekolah, since i have been assigned as guru pengakap hehe and diorang ade pertandingan kawad time nii :)

so, lepas diri sendiri rasa mcm mana jd seorang cikgu, and honestly, i think this job is not easy, yelaa, dulu kan aku selalu ingt, kerja cikgu tu just untuk masuk kelas and ajar jee, but seriously it is not just like that, yes, mmg kne masuk kelas and mengajar, but cmne nak mngajar biar your students faham ape yg korang nak ajar tu yg susah :') perasaan dia jd mcm xbest taw bila eventhough kita boleh habiskan syllabus, ajar kat diorang ape yang patut diorang tahu, but actually diorang xphm pun contents tu :') so, now aku rasa mcm tabik sangat kat cikgu2 yang mengajar time aku kat skolah dulu, senseitachi yang mengajar time preparation kat JAD and also kat Jepun, sbb bila fikir balik mmg bnyak gila usaha yg diorang buat sampaikan almost students diorang berjaya :) hehe thank you cikgu2 and sensetachi !


with love,
syeraa ;P

Its a real goodbye :')

Assalamualaikum semua :)

Hisashiburi da ne (its been a long time right?) ;') waa, how i miss to write on this blog but i got no chance and time, im so sorry hehe :')

Tak tahu nak start dari mana sebab banyak sangat benda nak cter tapi xtahu nak susun ayat cmne , hehe cewahh propaa sangat kan haha..

Okay first nak cter pasal ape ekk? hehe disebabkan hari tu lupa nak post pasal graduation day so kite cter sikit la ekk pasal my graduation day in Japan although event tu dah berlalu hampir 2 bulan yang lalu haha :D So, hehe all praise to Allah , sebab makbulkan my doa, my umi and abah's doa, and semua lah yang mendoakan kejayaan seorang syeraa ni hehe akhirnya berjaya jugak habiskan study kat jepun :) Bachelor in Engineering, alhamdulillah :) after 5years, struggling to end this degree, yeay finally i did it ! hehe, sebak sikit sebab umi abah and adik2 xley dtg time grad, hehe but its okay:')

so overall, i can conclude here that belajar kat overseas (Jepun) ni susah haha,, first reason is because of language barrier kot, teringat dulu2, kalau nak jumpa sensei nak tanya soalan or nak ckp ngn kawan, mesti kene amik masa dalam 5-10 minit dulu sbb nak karang ayat dalam nihongo , ulang ayat tu banyak kali pastu baru ketuk bilik sensei and tanya haha mesti korang rasa lawak kan but its real kot haha tapi mmg pun bila fikir balik, rasa nk gelak kat diri sendiri :p

Second is, belajar kat jepun ni dahlah susah pastu plus duduk kat sana takda kawan2 yang ramai yg boleh study sama2 time nak exam , so terpaksa lah pulun sorang2 dalam bilik malam exam sampai tak cukup tidur .., alhamdulillah syukur sangat dapat result lulus cukup2 makan pun takpelaa haha sbb nk cakap xusaha, mmg usaha dah, tapi Allah nak bagi rezeki setakat tu je, so takpelah kan :)

Tapi kan, mmglah belajar kat overseas ni susah nak2 Jepun ke negara yang kena guna bahasa diorang ni haihh  geram betul haha gurau jeee hehe :p TAPI, untuk korang , adik2 , abang2 and kakak2, yg dapat offer belajar overseas, kalau boleh pergilah hehe sebab apa tau, cth kalau kat Jepun, bab belajar ni je yg tak best, tapi kalau bab lain kan,, mmg best gila hehehe over kann tapi mmg betul pun, yelaa bukan senang nk explore kat negara org kan, so if you get a chance to fly overseas, please grab it guys hehe, meh nak list sikit apa kelebihan bila belajar overseas ni,, hehe first of course lah boleh ajar diri kita ni untuk independent hehe,,

cth la kan korang ni mmg fail laa bab masak, sampai serai pun tak kenal, haha sbb ape bg contoh serai haha sbb diri ni tak kenal pun serai zaman dulu2 time skolah sampai kene gelak ngn kwn2, haha okay back tu fail pasal masak, kalau blajar overseas ni, gerenti laa korang boleh masak punye,,xkira la laki ke pompuan hehe silap2 boleh jd kurang sikit level chef taw okay2 ni over hehe sorry :p okay,  next is korang boley explore negara tu camne, diorang punye teknologi camne , budaya cmne , orang2 diorang cmne, and kalau ade rezeki lebih, buat part time bnyak2 kumpul duit boleh pergi travel ke negara2 lain yg berdekatan :) and banyak lagi lahh kelebihan dia :)

okay, so, nak share sikit gambar2 graduation day hari tu hehe sorry laa lambat sikit share :)

time ni sedih sangat sbb xley nak amik gambar ngn umi and abah :(

with le roomate and along ! :)

with the most caring sensei, Nakano Sensei :D

with Achilles :)

with Naufal and Achilles :)

hehe :)


ain, kak yaya, along and me ! :)


with geng bawang dalam lab kalut sama2 buat thesis, and jikken(experiment), thank Coley bnyak tolong aku :)

thanks kak Atosh jadi senpai syeraa yg baik hati :) 


with that , i end my degree chapter in my life :)
insyaAllah will update this blog soon about my adulting phase pulak hehe :)

Best regards,

Bye to Nihon ?

Assalamualaikum guys :)

it has been a long time right since my late post hehe,, sorry a little bit busy now with all the graduation thesis, abstract and after this will prepare for the last graduation presentation this 3rd of February :) pray for me k hehe,, may i dont get nervous on that day huhu

insyaAllah akhir bulan 3 ni dah nak balik malaysia for good huhu,, rasa sekejap pulak 2 tahun duk Jepun kan padahal dah puas nangis sorang2 bila homesick, bila stress dgn study, bila susah nak communicate japanese dgn org2 kat sini, rasa xpercaya i can get through all these time hehe,,

xlama dah nak say good bye to nihon :) insyaAllah betul kot keputusan untuk back for good ni huhu, May Allah bless :) mohon tembakan doa dari semua untuk saat saat terakhir saya kat sini, semoga seorang syeraa boley grad dengan jayanya hehe :) 

actually benda paling xsabar bila nak balik Malaysia is nak duduk dekat parents, nak duduk dekat ngn adik2, sebab sejujurnya hati ni rasa sedih sangat bila jarang2 spend time ngn family, sbb dulu blajar kat boarding school for 5 years, pastu buat preparation kat Selangor 3tahun sblum fly , pastu blajar pulak kat Nihon 2tahun, so total dah nk dekat 10tahun berjauhan ngn family especially parents and it actually hurts me so much when sometimes my parents call me, cakap diorg tgh x sihat, demam, xlarat nak bangun, huhu,, sedih sangat bila dlm keadaan diorg sakit2 cmtu, kita xley nak buat pape slain doa je kat diorg huhu.., and now i realise yg bila balik cuti skjap2, baru rasa yg parents dah x muda mcm dulu2, bnde tu buat hati ni lagi kuat nak back for good :') umi abah,, tggu kakak balik hehe:)

mmg nihon bagi bnyak kenangan manis,, mcm2 x terkira, myb peluang study kat sini jd one of my great momets of life kot hehe :) sedihh je sbnarnye nk tinggalkan kehidupan yg selesa , all of the thing was so convenient, sedih nak tinggal crush haha, gurau je :)

hehehe,, okayy laa need to something,, bye for now,, see you in the next post insyaAllah :)