Assalamualaikum and hye everyone!:)

I'm back guys, yeayyy finally ! hehe.,

Firstly, i'm so sorry for taking too much time to update the new post , mybe i'm too lazy and have no idea what to write, i guess. So, for this post, i just wanna share a little bit of my new journey as a master student in Malaysia, hehe, might be a little bit boring hehe..

so yeah bismillah, i started my study in Master of Philosophy in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, KL for already about 3 month which is from last September, and alhamdulillah everything going well during the registration even though i felt like a little bit sad because i went to UTM alone without my parents and also i didnt know anyone there during the registration, hehe i guess i'm too "manja", thats why even for the registration, i actually need someone to accompany me :p

Actually, even for registration, i already felt the different between studying in Japan and Malaysia, one of the reason of course everyone talked in Malay and English hehehe yeayyyy finally i manage to focus and understand about what they are saying about what master student have to do, and all of that hehe..

and after that, i went to my laboratory to meet all my labmates, senpais and sensei,, alhamdulillah everyone was very kind, so friendly, and also so funny hehe, and yeah alhamdulillah i finally knew that there were also another 2 students which registered into the same ikohza (laboratory) with me, so yess im not alone ! :p

But as everyone said , being a master student is totally different with degree, im totally agree with that, huhu,, one of the reason is that, you cannot depend on your supervisor, or your senior, research assistant and so on to tell you everything , explain everything about your research. Its your job to find everything about your research, do some research in internet, reading journal and so on,.. someone also said to me that being a research student is a bit tough because there will be a time that you have a problem with the research, but you cant 100% share it with other person like your parents and your bestfriend because they dont understand about the things that you are doing,,  yes its a little bit stress but insyaAllah if we put some effort i guess, we can end this journey beautifully aminn :)

I got this one quote from my sensei, he said to me that, " A difficult path often lead to a beautiful sucess", im sure that you guys also know this quote right ? :) I like this quote a lot and everytime, im having a hard time , i always remember this quote, and think that no matter that the journey that we chose is hard, is tough, please believe that there still a HOPE, dont ever thinking that we wanna to give up before we put our effort to handle all those things :)

thats all :)

please cheer up !

with love,

syeraa :p

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